About Me

I am a software engineer and former rocket scientist. I now work primarily on open source software to improve the design, quality, and security of RESTful APIs.

Professional Experience

I currently working at Amazon Web Services (AWS) on Smithy, an open source, protocol-agnostic, interface design language (IDL) that powers AWS services.

Previously I worked on Amazon Ground Station where I built cloud services for operating satellites and orchestrating a global network of antennas for data downlink. I also occasionally explained to customers and coworkers how orbits work, what a TLE is, and why they should consider not using a TLE for their ephemeris format.

Before working for AWS, I worked for a variety of companies in the space industry including Plantary Resources, Advanced Space, Maxar , and Nabla Zero Labs. I primarily developed cloud software solutions for mission design, spacecraft navigation, and spacecraft operation.

For more information on my professional career, check out my LinkedIn.


I graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering in 2020 and earned a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2017. At the University of Washington, I co-founded the Husky Satellite Lab and led the development of HuskySat-1, the first cubesat built by University of Washington students. HuskySat-1 successfully launched in 2019 and is currently operational on-orbit.


  • I have a deep love for space exploration and great interest in space resource utilization
  • I think high performance integration and interpolation methods are fun (I even wrote a thesis about a parallelizable integration technique).
  • I believe that peanut butter-filled pretzels are the absolute pinnacle of snacking.